The Baffling Mindset of Car Buyers: Why Some Choose the CyberTruck

The Baffling Mindset of Car Buyers: Why Some Choose the CyberTruck

I have to admit, as a passionate gearhead myself, I’m puzzled with the choices some buyers make. I love cars and trucks of every imaginable style: I adore the streamlined look of a sports car, and the rugged toughness of an off-road truck. And here I sit, owning not one, not two, but three vehicles that I actually enjoy driving. Then, looking at this monolithic piece of metal, this CyberTruck, I can’t conceptualize it. Why would anyone buy a single impractical truck that looks like a trashy futuristic hunk of junk? It’s a baffling decision that doesn’t really make sense.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against electric vehicles in general. It is time for our planet to buckle down on greener alternatives. For starters however, I just do not understand the notion of spending an insane amount of money on a car which looks atrocious and is questionable practically. There are so many other EV options out there that are better aesthetically and functionally. And even more, my head begins to spin, it makes me wonder, are people so enamored with the Tesla name, because this is the brand that has basically revolutionized how you think about electric driving?

 What about practicality? With a vehicle like the CyberTruck, functionality should come first. Instead, it appears to reflect a current fad for ostentation at the expense of simple utility. It’s also important to say that many of these buyers are not ‘well off’ in the conventional sense. Usually, though, they have jobs and responsibilities, which should keep them away from such an extravagant financial jump for a vehicle that might not suit their way of living. It’s baffling!

Tesla Cybertruck” by Mliu92 is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0

So, here’s the bottom line: Current market dynamics present a perfect storm for illogical buying behaviors. During this pandemic and economic uncertainty this has been a trend or buyers have become impulsive and have left financial sound judgment behind in the madness of being different. This isn’t just a CyberTruck thing, it’s going with a lot of the vehicles out there. However, the CyberTruck amplifies this more than any other.

When Tesla first revealed the CyberTruck, it felt like watching the reveal of a reality show cringe moment. The design is definitely so polarizing, you either love it or you hate it. And frankly, it seemed it would withstand an alien invasion, or at the very least be used as a prop in a low budget sci-fi flick. But here we are, with people willing to shell out serious cash and countless reservations locked in. What is this phenomenon motivated by? Is it just a draw to owning something so wildly different?

At a time when the cookie cutter landscape of vehicles conjures up very few purchasing reasons, one might be able to make the argument that the CyberTruck offers a chance to buy vehicle that gives the buyer an opportunity to stand out. With so many cars looking the same in the world, the CyberTruck shows off a personality of sorts. This is a bold statement, but a statement of an owner willing to go against the grain. Yet still, does that statement have enough weight to justify the expense? Is it perhaps that buyers would rather be with something they like than something that works best? After all, Tesla hasn’t just pitched itself as a car manufacturer, it has cast itself as a lifestyle. If you own a Tesla, especially the CyberTruck, it’s proof of your dedication to sustainability and cutting edge tech.

Given Tesla’s standing for innovation, the CyberTruck at least has the potential to offer a slew of futuristic selling points. The CyberTruck, with its autopilot capabilities, long battery range, and a host of tech rich amenities, could be a draw for the geeks who place so much emphasis on technology. However, when one digs deeper, it becomes evident that many of these features are comparable to those found in other manufacturers’ vehicles, which begs the question: why the CyberTruck?

That’s where bandwagon effect may hold the answer. People tend to buy things because others are buying them, especially if something holds a certain prestige in being owned. But, if your neighbor has a CyberTruck and posts it on social media and that piques your envy and makes you think, ‘I want one too,’ you’ll soon find yourself in CB, the ‘CyberClub.’ The result is that this peer influence can create irrational purchasing decisions that compel buyers to buy to fit in rather than act based upon practical sensibilities.

Additionally, the nature of the social media continues to set the tone in the modern day consumer space. There are too many Instagram and Tiktok influencers showing up their glitzy purchases — Cars included. As a literal showpiece trading on attention and social media likes, the CyberTruck is, as you’d expect, the crème de la crème of show cars. With internet fame and validation being a goldmine in a society sometimes equating likes to value, the CyberTruck is a jackpot for those looking for clout. While the CyberTruck looks like it was designed to generate this type of marketing in the works, its unconventional design and aesthetic are so cool that they instantly spark conversations and shares.

Tesla Cybertruck unveiling” by u/Kruzat, modified by Smnt is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

It’s critical when unpacking these layers to think about the voices in the automotive community. CyberTruck discussions can be funny or heartbreaking, when it comes to their buyers. The CyberTruck is seen by many in the automotive world as a bizarre social experiment, a sign of changing values and priorities among car buyers. Will this change in mindset remain the norm with a transitioning market? Will practicality and financial sense eventually come back to the forefront of consumer choice?

In fact, the CyberTruck is more than just a vehicle; it’s a symbol of a time. It reflects of our struggle of consumerism, social media and getting our identity through our possessions. I’m a car enthusiast and consumer, and we need to have conversations challenging these buying patterns. An obsession with the CyberTruck is a jumping off point for discussions about how interwoven our relationship with cars really is, how that relationship is related to financial responsibility, and what the future of automotive trends will become.